Stylist and make-up artist education
Trends, editorial knowledge, historical and personal styling as well as high fashion

The stylist and make-up artist education is a broad education that gives students insight and knowledge about the stylist’s many diverse functions. On the stylist course, you will learn about styling as a whole, where make-up, hair and clothes go together, but also about the different areas where there are often very specific requirements for a stylist.
These are areas within trends, advertising and editorial styling, high fashion, historical style icons and personal styling that the stylist and make-up artist education equips you to handle.

Module 1

The stylist’s functions and practical chores. Styling in advertising and marketing as well as image processing, color psychology, styling with accessories, briefing, layout, moodboards, materials science, draping, body language and fit.
Module 2

We go in depth with the concept of trend and fashion. Here you learn about trend understanding, following fashion, trend spotting and being trend-setting yourself. There is a focus on both the Danish and foreign fashion designers as well as knowledge of the many fashion magazines. Learn about social media, portfolio and website.
Module 3

The historical element forms an interesting foundation in a stylist’s work, because it is with the historical knowledge in the background that one can develop new, exciting trends and reproduce certain moods. Historical styling is often seen in movies and on TV. as well as for large events. The historical style periods are also used in future trends with the controversy of the time.
Module 4

In this module, it is about being able to style everyone, such as personal styling, men’s and children’s styling, bridal styling and for live media, such as film, TV and theater. Here we focus on the complete styling, avant-garde styling, and being artistically creative. The stylist’s work with an artist on tour´ and up to a concert as well as to the big fashion shows.
The stylist and make-up artist education is divided into modules, where you get around a lot. You learn, among other things, about fashion, styles and trends, as well as an understanding of the administrative work it takes to work if you choose the path as a freelance stylist and make-up artist or as a freelancer. In addition, you also get around historical periods, where the tasks include teaching classical or reinterpretation of a total styling for films or photo shoots from ancient Egypt, the Baroque period, the Middle Ages and the entire 20th century styles to today’s high fashion.
As a stylist and make-up artist, it is of course also important to learn about live media, which involves modules where you are equipped to work in film, theater, television, shows and music videos. TV series, new films and musicals are being made like never before, and the Stylist and make-up artist education thus ensures that you can handle the many different aspects and functions that you encounter in these exciting jobs.
Working as a stylist is also very much about following fashion, and having an interest in past and future trends. The stylist and make-up artist education also revolves around these aspects, where you learn about working with your own style and how to get your work seen. In the make-up part of the stylist education, you get around pretty much everything, where you will learn to handle and perform the creative techniques within beauty make-up , historical style icons such as for color or black and white photos, movie posters, gala shows and events, make-up brands and much more. more.
All modules are completed with a practical test, which is in the photographer’s studio or at outdoor or indoor locations near the school. From here, images are selected for editing by the photographer, as a start on your professional portfolio.
In order for you to get the best job opportunities after graduation, the school is very helpful with training jobs during your education, so you get both practical experience and a unique network within TV, film, theater and the fashion and beauty industry.
You will receive both a Danish and an English diploma and an international diploma when you complete your education with us. Then you will have good opportunities to get an attractive job in this exciting industry both in Denmark and abroad. In addition, you will receive a diploma on the Dinair airbrush course and on the hair styling course as well as on the shellac nail course, as you will be offered to take these courses for free during your education, only with payment of your own materials.
To kickstart your career, we also register you in the school’s job directory so we can recommend you to potential employers.
WE OFFER ½ PRICE for one of the educations if you want to become both a professional stylist and make-up artist, each with their own exciting, creative and professional curriculum.
We look forward to welcoming you to a personal meeting at Art of Style and Make-up at Kgs. Nytorv, where we will tell you much more about how we can help you to a brilliant career.
In the first module of the stylist part, you roughly review the basic understanding of the industry itself, which includes:
- The stylist’s functions and practical chores
- Body theory, measurement schemes and fit
- Image composition and cropping
- Color theory and color psychology
- Styling with accessories
- Briefing and layouts
- Materials science
- Draping
- Physical education
- Pattern Recognition
- Module test
This module is the basis for whether you have an understanding of how the industry works and how you as a stylist can be integrated into the subject, in the best possible way. In order to complete the education, this part is very important and you get a lot of tools to be able to deliver some nice and useful tasks the rest of the year.
The editorial part is a module where you get in depth with the trend and fashion concept.
- Trend understanding and following fashion
- Trend spotting (out on the street and spotting trends, taking pictures)
- Knowledge of Danish and foreign fashion magazines
- Influencers in fashion (designers, photographers, models, make-up artists and stylists)
- Styling trends at home and abroad
- Recycled gold, up- and recycling
- Influence of maturity
- Social media, portfolio and website
- Puplic relations / PR agencies
- Recycled gold (design and innovation)
- Advertising and marketing
- Module test in total loco with professional photographer
The historical module is the foundation of a stylist’s work, because it is with this knowledge that you can develop new exciting trends and reproduce certain moods and images that can evoke emotions, create relationships through the customers’ target groups.
This module is based on written home assignments and you get through these time periods, where emphasis is placed on the textiles and trend of the time.
- Visit to the Glyptotek with lessons in Egyptian and Greek antiquity
- Roman Empire and the Middle Ages with a visit to the National Museum
- Renaissance and Baroque
- The Rococo and the 1800s
- 1900-1920s
- 1930-1940s
- 1950-1960s
- 1970s-1980s 1990s up and to now
- Historical module test with a professional photographer
This module is about styling for the live media such as movies, TV, theater, etc. there is a focus on styling all the way around the model also for personal styling. Here we also get through High fashion.
Avant-garde styling and being artistically creative. The fourth module deals with the live media, which contains the following areas:
- Starting a business and introduction to the A-kasse and the trade union
- Finance and accounting
- Personal styling
- Hats and glasses knowledge
- XL styling
- Mens styling
- Child styling
- Bridal styling
- Module test with professional photographer
- Film and Music videos
- Fashion shows
- Avant-garde styling
- Written and practical exam
- Translocative written and practical exam
Day classes scheduled teaching:
Monday to Wednesday 9.00 to 15.00 med beauty and film make-up from 3 October 2022 to 22 March 2023 and Thursday 9.00 to 16.00 with instruction in styling totallook from 3 October 2022 to 9 June 2023.
Preparation: approx. 10 hours per week
Team start: 3 October 2022 to 9 June 2023
(holiday week 52)
Evening classes scheduled classes:
Monday and Tuesday from 16.00 to 21.00.
Preparation: approximately 7 hours per week.
Next team start: 28. February to 18 December 2023.
(Holidays in weeks 29, 30 and 31 and week 42)
For REGISTRATION for a call call 33161700 or write an email.
Price Stylist and make-up artist training 49.800 kr.
(possibility of installment with only DKK 1,630 per month)
- DKK 6,000 is paid in advance when booking a place.
- The monthly fee is DKK 3,982 for evening classes for 11 months and DKK 5,475 for day classes for 8 months.
- For cash payment, a discount of DKK 1,500 is given.
Materials: 7.800,- kr. ( value for more than 11.000 kr.) which is paid before the start of school and which includes materials from MAC Cosmetics and the Scandinavian brand Inglot Makeup, a nice make-up bag and pro. brushes and styling materials.
The training price includes the hair styling course, which must be completed before the end of the training(10 Wednesday evenings of 4 hours).Self-payment of materials for the hair course 2.500,- DKK(value 8.800 DKK)
Dinair airbrush course is free during the training, only with a co-payment of starter kit with airbrush machine and colors DKK 2,700(value DKK 7,900)
“In collaboration with Santander Consumer Bank, we offer that you can pay for your education for up to 4 years interest-free. Come to a personal interview and hear more”